TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite 信用卡简介
TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite 收取 120元的年费,看样子,黑黑的一定很高端的样子吧。120元的年费实在不讨人喜欢,更重要的是相比较Amex来说TD实在是有一些小气,新用户注册免了年费,还有就是15000的Aeroplan的point,15000可以做什么,短途飞机票都买不起有木有。当然来,如果你坐飞机只喜欢Air Canada,那么这个信用卡也许对你来说还是有一些用处的。
首先来说说这张卡的最大的功能,累计Aeroplan的点数,TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite在大多数的情况下,可以帮你累计1 Aeroplan Miles 每一个加币的消费,而在加油,超市,药店,还有AirCanada.com网站上卖票你可以累计1.5 Aeroplan。还算是可以接受。而相比较BMO Elite MASTERCARD来说,靠1 Aeroplan Miles 如果你用来换飞机票的话,可以认为差不多是等值的或者更少。而且现在航空常客一直贬值的情况下,我真心觉得Aeroplan挺危险的。当然啦,毕竟这个Aeroplan自己的信用卡,多少会给一些优惠啦.
1) Free checked bag 如果你乘坐加航的飞机,又用 Aeroplan flight reward换票,可以多带一个行李。赚到了。
2) Priority Check-in 如果你觉得那些坐商务舱的人在check in的时候人比较少,这张信用卡,可以帮你插队哦, 前提是你坐的是 Air Canada 的航班,而且同样是 Aeroplan flight reward换的票
3) Priority Boarding 同样是插队的作用,可以让你提早登机,放好行李。同样,要求你坐的是 Air Canada 的飞机, Aeroplan flight reward,你懂得
4) Annual Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge 可以有一次机会去加航的贵宾室(Maple Leaf Lounge)哦(BMO的PP卡是四次,感觉更给力)
5) Miles will not expire 里程不会过期,否者是7年一次
6) Comprehensive travel insurances 这个包括 travel medical, trip cancellation & interruption, auto rental collision & loss, purchase security and extended warranty其实其他卡也有。
推荐 TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite 的理由
对于常常飞加航经济舱的朋友,无法累计到加航金卡,这张卡应该是很好的弥补,多一个行李,其实可以省不少钱呢。此外,如果Aeroplan换商务舱的话,其实是可以最大化Aeroplan Miles的价值,这时候,1 Aeroplan Miles就可以达到3 cent左右,达到利益的最大化。关于年费的事情,如果你有TD All-Inclusive Banking Plan 你可以免去120元的年费,这么想想,其实还是不错的。此外the first free checked bag 大概价值在 $25 左右, 而免费 Maple Leaf Lounge access pass 价值 $50 左右。时间差不多了,可以要求TD Switch Card Type。这应该是可行的。
All Air Canada benefits are fulfilled by Air Canada, or its designated affiliates or other third parties, and are subject to change at any time without notice. The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its affiliates are not responsible for fulfilling these benefits. For more details about these benefits, please contact Air Canada directly. Air Canada Benefit Eligibility – Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge One-Time Guest Access Benefit: With the TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite Card, the Primary Cardholder will receive one Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge One-Time Guest Access Benefit once every calendar year (January 1- December 31). The Primary Cardholder may access an Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge, where available, upon presentation of an active TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite Card with a valid, same-day boarding pass for travel using an Aeroplan flight reward, only, on a flight operated by Air Canada, Air Canada rouge or under the Air Canada express banner. To access this benefit, the Primary Cardholder must redeem their Aeroplan flight reward (defined as a ClassicFlight® or Market Fare Flight RewardsTM) with miles from their Aeroplan account. Each Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge One-Time Guest Access Benefit applies for a single entry during the calendar year for which it was provided by the Primary Cardholder only and cannot be carried forward to the next calendar year or transferred to another person. Additional conditions apply and are outlined on aircanada/tdbenefits. Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge access is subject to availability and all other then-current terms and conditions located here [] that are subject to change at Air Canada’s sole discretion from time to time. Please allow two weeks from receiving your Card for these Air Canada benefits to be in effect. Air Canada Benefit Eligibility – Priority Travel Services: With the TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite Card, Air Canada benefits (the complimentary first checked bag, priority check-in and priority boarding) apply whenever the Primary Cardholder travels using an Aeroplan flight reward, only, on a flight operated by Air Canada, Air Canada rouge or under the Air Canada Express banner. Flights operated by other airlines are not eligible. To access these benefits, the Primary Cardholder must redeem their Aeroplan flight reward (defined as a ClassicFlight or Market Fare Flight Reward) with Miles from their Aeroplan Account. To access these benefits, the Primary Cardholder must also ensure that the name on the Air Canada flight booking is identical to the name on the Aeroplan Account profile of the traveller. Where zonal boarding is available, the priority boarding status will be recognized by a Zone 2 descriptor for the Primary Cardholder and companions travelling on the same reservation, which will be displayed on the Air Canada issued boarding pass. Priority check-in may also be extended to companions travelling on the same reservation as the Primary Cardholder. To access priority check-in and priority boarding, the Primary Cardholder may be required to show their TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite Card to the Air Canada agent. Please allow two weeks from receiving your Card for these Air Canada benefits to be activated. The complimentary first checked bag, up to 23 kg (50 lb.), applies whenever the Primary Cardholder travels using an Aeroplan Flight Reward only, on a flight operated by Air Canada, Air Canada rouge or under the Air Canada Express banner. Flights operated by other airlines are not eligible. To access this benefit, the Primary Cardholder must redeem their Aeroplan Flight Reward (defined as a ClassicFlight or Market Fare Flight Reward) with Miles from their Aeroplan Account. To access these benefits, the Primary Cardholder must also ensure that the name on the Air Canada flight booking is identical to the name on the Aeroplan Account profile of the traveller. The complimentary first checked bag applies solely to the Primary Cardholder, and service charges for additional/oversized/overweight baggage may apply. To access this benefit, the Primary Cardholder may be required to show their TD Aeroplan Visa InfiniteCard to the Air Canada agent. Please allow two (2) weeks from receiving your Card for these Air Canada benefits to be activated.
当你仔细看完以上条款,我想你会和我说一样的话,Aeroplan真小气。更多的信息可以查看TD的官网 TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite