今天早上刚刚更新了第三家,现在马上来了第四家,第四家是Sofina Foods Inc.该公司已确认在其高贵林港工厂工作的一名员工对该病毒进行了阳性测试。该工厂经理说,该员工与在另一家工厂工作的亲戚住在一起,最近该工厂的其他人测试呈阳性。update Apr 29, 10:39AM
今天,又一家禽类处理厂沦陷。Chilliwack的Fraser Valley Specialty Poultry 一名工人的冠状病毒检测呈阳性,目前正在隔离中。加拿大食品检验局已告知农场主,没有理由召回他们的任何鸡肉或鸭肉产品。我开始担心肉类的价格了。 update Apr 29, 9:35AM

AB省得牛肉厂很多人中招,现在有一家BC的鸡肉处理厂出了问题。United Poultry Company 这家公司的地址在534 East Cordova St. 公司主要是进行鸡肉处理。那下面我的问题,最近鸡肉还能吃吗?

According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, there is no evidence to suggest that food is a likely source or route of transmission for the virus
新闻是一个人在Twitter上有人拍了一段视频,因为她发现在Olympic Village的电梯上吐口水。而另外有人声称自己看到了全过程。视频在30秒的时候
素里的一个公交司机中招, TransLink已确认萨里市的一名公交车司机声称对新型冠状病毒进行了阳性测试。尽管此案尚未得到公共卫生官员的确认,但TransLink称相关的公共汽车和工作区已被彻底清洁和消毒。该案将是海岸山区巴士公司第三名测试COVID-19阳性的员工
Old News
VANCOUVER — Two Coast Mountain Bus employees have tested positive for COVID-19, according to TransLink.
The first case is an employee who was working out of the Burnaby Transit Centre. Their workspace has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, according to the transit agency.
The second employee worked out of the Port Coquitlam Transit Centre as a bus operator.
Sources:2 Coast Mountain Bus employees test positive for COVID-19