Anveo Setup with FusionPBX
|I was try to setup Anveo Direct with FusionPBX, but the only information I found is from cmoullas and CatsEyeX. At the begining, I found it is hard to understand for the personal like me. And thanks cmoullas and CatsEyeX‘s contributiom from [Anveo] Setting up Anveo Direct with FusionPBX/Freeswitch?
Setpe one: setup a gateway, the most important thing is the Proxy, I put in SBC.ANVEO.COM And I choose false for the register, since it will not register at server.

Setpe two: go to Dialplan, and then Outbound rounts. Add a new one. Choose the Gateway, we just added., and choose the Dialplan Expression you want. the perfix, you need put in the TTTTT(it is from Avnvo)

Then, we save, and make some change for the outbound rounts. Change the brige, to the sofia/gateway/[email protected]

Where: = gateway name
tttttt = dialing prefix set in Anveo
1 = final number after prefix to append 1 to the number being dialed out
$1 = the callee number (set as a variable by FusionPBX) is required
Than, you should be about to make a call out.