关于中国驾照的问题,一直在闹。甚至出现国际留学生不能考驾照的传言闹剧一直在继续,一方面列治文皇家骑警,执着的认定,中国从来没有加入《联合国道路交通公约》(UN Convention on Road Traffic),因此持中国驾照在列治文市內开车系违法行為,“中国驾照在列治文等同一张废纸”;另外一方面,ICBC始终认为,中国驾照在卑诗省內合法开车6个月,持中国驾照的永久居民则可合法开车3个月,留学生凭有效学生签证,在留学期间可持中国驾照合法上路。
依照BC省的机动车法(Motor Vehicle Act)
(1.1) Subject to subsection (1.2), the following persons are exempt, for the period specified, from the requirements respecting the holding of a driver’s licence issued to him or her under this Act:
(a) a person who has a validly issued and subsisting driver’s or operator’s licence or permit issued according to the laws where he or she is ordinarily resident, for 6 months from the date he or she last entered British Columbia;
(b) a person who has become ordinarily resident in British Columbia and who has a validly issued and subsisting driver’s or operator’s licence or permit issued according to the laws of the jurisdiction where he or she was most recently ordinarily resident, for 90 days after he or she became ordinarily resident in British Columbia;
(c) a person who has a validly issued and subsisting driver’s or operator’s licence or permit issued according to the laws where he or she is ordinarily resident, for the period that the person is registered as a full time student at and attends any of the educational institutions listed in section 21 (2) (b);
(i) to (viii) [Repealed 2003-7-42.]
(i) has a validly issued and subsisting driver’s or operator’s licence or permit issued according to the laws where he or she is ordinarily resident,
(ii) has entered into an agreement under which the person will work in British Columbia, as part of a program or in the circumstances specified by regulation, for a period longer than 6 months but shorter than one year, and
(iii) is in a prescribed class of persons,
for the period during which the person works in British Columbia under the agreement.
(1.2) A person claiming an exemption under subsection (1.1) must carry a valid and subsisting driver’s or operator’s licence or permit on his or her person while operating a motor vehicle referred to in subsection (1) and must produce that driver’s or operator’s licence or permit to a peace officer on demand.
(2) A person exempt under subsection (1.1) is also exempt for the same period, while driving or operating in British Columbia a motor vehicle set out in subsection (1) (b), (c) or (d), from the requirements respecting the holding of a motor vehicle liability insurance card or a financial responsibility card, subject, in every case, to his or her giving the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia proof of financial responsibility under sections 106 to 113.
依照这条法律,似乎ICBC做的并没有错,那么RCMP的行为呢?RCMP的关注点,在于,OK依照法律,你的确可以开车,但是目前的问题在于the Chinese licences are valid or not.这么看来,ICBC没有错,RCMP的态度也没有问题。问题在于,我们怎么确认中国驾照是真实有效的。