
新入籍法 Bill C24进度神速,请早日递交入籍申请

新入籍法 Bill C24最近让很多新移民人心惶惶,其中有很多的争议,也有很多反对意见。今天无聊查了一下加拿大立法过程,不仅仅是C24的原因,也因为觉得来了加拿大那么多年,也有必要去了解下这里的法律系统。所以从官方网站找到了下面的信息
How does a bill become a law?

In order for a bill to become a law, it must go through a number of specific stages in both the Senate and the House of Commons. The process in each Chamber is similar.

House of Commons
  • Introduction and First Reading: The bill is introduced after notice is given; it is then assigned a number and printed.
  • Second Reading: The principle of the bill is debated and the bill is referred to a committee for more detailed study. (In the House of Commons, it is possible to refer a bill to committee prior to second reading pursuant to Standing Order 73.)
  • Committee Consideration: After a detailed analysis of the bill, often involving the hearing of witnesses, and a clause-by-clause study, the committee reports the bill back to the House of Commons.
  • Report Stage: The bill, as passed by the committee, is considered by the House and further amendments can be proposed and debated.
  • Third Reading: The bill, as adopted at the report stage, is debated a final time. Debate focuses on the final form of the bill.
  • Passage and Royal Assent: If the bill originated in the House of Commons and is passed at the third reading stage, it is sent to the Senate where it will follow the process described below. If the bill originated in the Senate and has been passed by both chambers in the same form, it is presented for Royal Assent.
  • Introduction and First Reading: The bill is introduced without notice, given a number and printed.
  • Second Reading: The principle of the bill is debated at second reading and, if it passes, the bill is almost always referred to a committee for more detailed study. (In the Senate, it is possible for a committee to study the subject matter of a bill introduced in the House of Commons prior to introduction in the Senate, pursuant to Rule 74 of the Rules of the Senate. This is referred to as pre-study. The Senate may also refer the subject matter of a bill to a committee before the bill has received second reading.)
  • Committee Stage: The committee studies the bill and reports it back to the Senate.
  • Report Stage: The Senate only considers a bill at report stage if the committee either recommends amendments or that the bill not be further studied. Committee reports on bills that do not propose amendments are deemed adopted by the Senate without a motion.
  • Third Reading: The bill, as amended by the Senate or not, is debated a third time. Debate focuses on the final form of the bill, although amendments to clauses of the bill can also be moved at this stage without the need to return it to committee.
  • Passage and Royal Assent: If the bill originated in the Senate and is passed, it is then sent to the House of Commons where it follows the process described above. If the bill originated in the House of Commons and has been passed by both chambers in the same form, it is presented for Royal Assent.

If either the Senate or the House of Commons amends a bill already passed by the other House, there is an exchange of messages indicating the amendment. Until both Houses agree on the content of the bill, it cannot be presented for Royal Assent.

大概了解了之后,那么下面我们要知道Bill C24的进度到了那一步了。不看不知道,一看吓一跳。平时不觉得政府的效率会有这么高,这次是什么情况,你们是整人很开心吗?这次打击面这么大,你不怕以后大家不选你了吗?废话少说,先看下Bill C24在国会的进度
也就是说,现在Bill C24,已经完成了在House of Commons(下议院)的流程,已经到达Senate(参议院)这么一估算,这次的速度神速,我想保守党应该是想在放假之前,通过Bill C24.前段时间警告过大家,说新入籍法快来了。只是我没有想到的是这次会快的这么离谱。现在只是希望参议院会否决Bill C24,或者发回重新修改。否者,我的移民监就活生生的加了两年。先不讨论这个法案好处有多少,对我来说,打击面太大了。这点让人很郁闷。


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