喜大普奔了,现在你可以带薪打疫苗了。省府修订《就业标准法 (Employment Standards Act) 》的三号法案 (Bill 3)已经通过,即员工为接种一剂疫苗,可以要求最多3小时的带薪休假。(link:Legislation for paid COVID-19 vaccination leave now in force)
Bill 3 is now law and ensures that no employee will lose pay if they need time away from work to get vaccinated. Both full-time and part-time employees can take up to three hours of paid leave.
While an employer will be able to ask employees to provide sufficient proof that they are entitled to this leave, an employer cannot require that employees provide a medical note as a condition of requesting this paid leave.
This unpaid leave remains in place to supplement the new paid time off, for example to accompany dependant family members to get vaccinated or in the event a worker needs more than three hours of paid leave to travel to their vaccine appointment.
Pic from: https://news.gov.bc.ca