这个知识点可以有一些偏,但是还是希望自己保留下。因为RBC的eAccount已经不再是免费了,每个月收取5刀的月费,感觉一点意义都没有了。这时候我发现了BMO的eBusiness Account。
不过这里发现了一个小问题,因为登录到BMO的网站上的时候,发现上面写的Transit number只有四位数,而我在填入Stripe的时候,上面要求填写5位,少了一位。我就尝试着在前面加零,一直没有成功。而且还联系了他们的客服。
Branch numbers ending with:
* 0 are located in British Columbia and Yukon
* 1 are located in Western Québec including Montreal and surrounding areas
* 2 are located in Ontario including Toronto and surrounding area
* 3 are located in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland excluding Labrador
* 4 are located in New Brunswick
* 5 are located in Eastern Québec including Labrador
* 6 are located in Eastern Ontario including Ottawa and surrounding area
* 7 are located in Manitoba and North-Western Ontario
* 8 are located in Saskatchewan
* 9 are located in Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (?)
Source wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Routing_transit_number