

虽然加币对美金一路溃败,但是总是还是需要跑美国去看看的。boxing day,黑五都是剁手的好机会。之前炒的沸沸扬扬的EVUS10年B1/B2美签注册系统今天上线啦,有10年B1/B2美签的小伙伴或者他们的家人记得及时注册/更新啊。以免购物季,或者圣诞节,去美国被堵在海关,那就尴尬了。


大家知道,美签现在有了新政策,只要你是持有中国护照,而且拥有了十年美签(包括加拿大PR的特殊十年美签),在16年11月29日以后入境美国一定需要在EVUS系统中更新,每个更新可以维持有效期两年。我相信只要是遵纪守法的好公民,一般超过99.9%的概率你的更新是会秒过的。要注意的是,所有非B1/B2类签证是不需要EVUS的,包括F, J, M, H,  L, O等等,大家只需要记得给自己的父母以及亲朋好友更新就是了;还有如果你的B1/B2只有1年(也就是被check了),那么也是不需要EVUS的,毕竟人家已经把你check个底朝天了。CBP预期EVUS的报名费最终将会执行,但目前并没有何时开始收费的时间表。










  • 小王是一名二十岁的中国学生,在美国留学。她有5年的F-1签证。她今年夏天回中国看望她的家人,然后返回大学。前往美国之前,她并不需要在EVUS登记,因为EVUS只面向10年B签证持有人。
  • 小王的母亲打算与她一起前往美国,去看看女儿学习的地方。小王的母亲7月从美国大使馆获得了10年B1/B2签证,并与小王一起在8月前往美国。虽然她拥有10年签证,她并不需要在这个时候在EVUS登记。该系统要到11月才会启用。
  • 小王的母亲很享受她在美国的短期旅行,并希望在2017年1月春节期间带她丈夫,也就是小王的父亲,到美国旅游。小王的母亲可使用她的有效签证,在于11月启用的EVUS系统上登记,而且她必须在旅行前登记。她不需要另外申请签证。小王的父亲12月从美国大使馆获得10年B1/B2签证,他可以一获得签证就在EVUS登记。他必须在赴美前在EVUS登记。
  • 小王是一个好学生,即将于2019年春天毕业。她想让她的母亲、父亲和祖父母参加毕业典礼。她的父亲已经拥有有效的10年签证和有效的EVUS登记。所有他要做的就是买张机票去美国,因为旅客只需每两年在EVUS上更新其信息(除非他们获得了新护照)。小王的母亲也拥有有效签证,并在不到两年前进行了EVUS登记。不过,她换了一本新护照,因此她需要在EVUS上再次登记。
  • 小王的祖父母以前从来没有旅行过,所以他们都需要获得B2签证,并在赴美前在EVUS登记。
  • EVUS登记两年有效。但是,如果小王的祖父母很长一段时间不再来美国,他们要到临近下次旅行之前才需要再次在EVUS登记。比方说,他们要在2024年去度假,他们只需在旅行之前再次登记。


Thank you for your EVUS questions. For those of you not aware, EVUS stands for the Electronic Visa Update System, a new system developed by our colleagues at the Department of Homeland Security. Beginning in November 2016, all Chinese citizens who hold B1, B2 or B1/B2 visas will also need to enroll in EVUS before travelling to the United States. Since we began issuing ten year visas to Chinese citizens, we have seen a large increase in applications, and I expect we will continue to see millions of Chinese citizens travel to the United States. We are very happy that the ten-year visa is here to stay!

Providing updated information in EVUS will help facilitate entry into the United States for visa holders. Anyone entering the United States will need both a visa and a valid EVUS enrollment if they have a ten-year visa. Please note that travelers to the U.S. will only need to enroll in EVUS every two years.

The process to enroll in EVUS is designed to be as easy to use as possible. It is an on-line system. There is no need to go to a bank. There is no need to go to a travel agent. There is no need to come to the Embassy. You may enroll in EVUS as soon as you have your visa. While the enrollment process should be very fast, we recommend enrolling at least one week before your travel.

You may enroll in EVUS anywhere you have internet access. You will be able to enroll using your computer, your laptop, or your smartphone. It is easy enough to do yourself, but a friend or family member or other third part could also do it on your behalf.

Let’s walk through a few examples to see how the process will work.

· Xiao Wang is a twenty-year old Chinese student studying in the United States. She has a 5 year F-1 visa. She comes back to China this summer to visit her family and then return to university. Before travelling to the United States, she does not need to enroll in EVUS because EVUS is only for holders of ten year B visas.

· Xiao Wang’s mother plans to travel with her to the United States in to see where her daughter studies. Xiao Wang’s mother receives a ten year B1/B2 visa from the U.S. Embassy in July and travels with Xiao Wang to the United States in August. Even though she has a ten-year visa, she does not need to enroll in EVUS at this time. This system will not begin until November.

· Xiao Wang’s mother enjoyed her short trip to the United States and wants to bring her husband, Xiao Wang’s father, to see America in January 2017 during Spring Festival. Using her valid visa, her mother can enroll in EVUS starting in November and is required to enroll before travelling. She does not need another visa. Xiao Wang’s father receives a 10-year B1/B2 visa from the U.S. Embassy in December and can enroll in EVUS as soon as he receives his visa. He is required to enroll in EVUS before travelling to America.

· Xiao Wang is a great student and is graduating in the Spring of 2019. She wants her mother, father, and grandparents to attend the graduation ceremony. Her father has already has a valid 10-year visa and valid EVUS enrollment. All he has to do is buy a plane ticket and go to America because travelers only need to update their information in EVUS every two years (unless they get a new passport). Xiao Wang’s mother also has a valid visa and enrolled in EVUS less than two years ago. However, she got a new passport, so she needs to enroll in EVUS again. Xiao Wang’s grandparents have never travelled before so they need both a B2 visa and to be enrolledl in EVUS before travelling to America.

· EVUS enrollments last for two years. But, if Xiao Wang’s grandparents do not travel back to the United States for a long time, they will not need to enroll in EVUS again until just before they travel. Let’s say they travel on vacation in 2024. They will need to enroll again just before that trip.

I hope these examples of the hypothetical Wang family help answer your questions about how EVUS will work. For more information, please visit http://www.cbp.gov/evus. The latest information will be posted there. Thank you!


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