前一段时间刚刚搬家到Digital Ocean ,说老实话,无论是稳定性,还是访问速度,Digital Ocean都是很不错的。至少在这几个月里面,基本上没有出现问题。机器一直在线,鄙人感觉还是不错的,如果不是下面这个问题我想我会一直用下去吧。
前几天收到 Digital Ocean 的一封邮件:
Hi there,
In order to comply with Canadian law, DigitalOcean will begin charging sales tax to all customers located in Canada, beginning with October usage. Your first invoice including sales tax included will be sent on November 1, 2015. Your tax rate will be a percentage of your bill, applied after any applicable promotional credits.
To see your tax rate, which will vary by province or territory, please see our Tax Help. You will be able to see taxes displayed on your “Usage Summary” on October 1st by visiting the Billing page.
Please let us know if you have any questions – we’re here to help!
Zach Bouzan-Kaloustian
Director of Customer Support
简单的说,从十月份开始Digital Ocean要开始收GST了,这是什么鬼情况啊。 Digital Ocean 是加拿大公司吗?或者说他有GST号码?为什么会收GST/HST?真的是好奇怪。查看了Digital Ocean 的Tax Help — Canada页面Tax Help — Canada 也没有写他们是不是有GST number。算了,我等第一个月的账单出来之后再看看吧。
不过呢,这样子等于是说我的月费白白的多了5%,我是穷人.虽然我还是推荐各位使用的。我在考虑我要转移到Linode的新加坡,但是不知道效果如何。不过呢,其实我还是会推荐你购买的 Digital Ocean 如果不是GST的问题,我想我会一直用下去吧。