


create table student(
  id int not null auto_increment,
  name varchar(20) not null,
  grade float,
  primary key(id)
insert into student (name,grade) values
select * from student;
select name from student;
select * from student where id=2;
//in关键字查询,也可以使用not in
select * from student where id IN(1,2,3);
//between and关键字查询
select * from student where id between 2 and 5;
//空值(NULL)查询,使用IS NULL来判断
select * from student where grade is null;
select distinct name from student;
select * from student where name like "h%e";
select * from student where id>5 and grade>60;


select count(*) from student;
select sum(grade) from student;
select avg(grade) from student;
select max(grade) from student;
select min(grade) from student;
select * from student order by grade;
//1.单独使用group by分组
select * from student group by grade;
select count(*),grade from student group by grade;
select sum(grade),name from student group by grade having sum(grade) >100;
select * from student limit 5;
select * from student limit 2,2;
select * from student order by grade desc limit 2,2;
select concat(id,':',name,':',grade) from student;
select * from student as stu where stu.name="howie";
select name as stu_name,grade stu_grade from student;



create table class(
   id int not null primary key,
   classname varchar(20) not null
create table student(
   stu_id int not null primary key,
   stu_name varchar(20) not null,
   cid int not null      -- 表示班级id,它就是class表的外键
alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key(cid) references class(id);
alter table student drop foreign key FK_ID;


alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key(cid) references class(id);
//添加数据,这两个表便有了关联若插入中文在终端显示空白,可设置set names 'gbk';
insert into class values(1,"软件一班"),(2,"软件二班");
insert into student values(1,"howie",1),(2,"howie1",2),(3,"howie2",1),(4,"howie3",2);
select * from student cross join class;
select student.stu_name,class.classname from student join class on class.id=student.cid;
insert into class values(3,"软件三班");
select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.classname from student s left join class c on c.id=s.cid;
select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.classname from student s right join class c on c.id=s.cid;
select * from student where cid in(select id from class where id=2);
select * from student where exists(select id from class where id=12);   -- 外层不会执行
select * from student where exists(select id from class where id=1);    -- 外层会执行
 select * from student where cid>any(select id from class);
 select * from student where cid=any(select id from class);
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