

英语口语,这个话题似乎有一些太大,这里我在网上找了50句极易误解又极实用的英语口语,希望对大家有帮助吧。英语口语,是一个长期需要练习的,希望大家可以多说,多练,提高 英语口语. 最主要还是要多参与,多锻炼,不要害怕。

1.Please say cheese. 笑一个
2.He is eating humble pie. 他在忏悔
3.That chick is so hot. 这妞真辣
4.He got a large sum of hush money.他拿到了一大笔封口费
5.Amy is the pink.艾米精力充沛
6.Don‘t make yourself in the shit.别自找麻烦
7.It’s a juicy tidbit.这是令人津津乐道的趣闻
8.Her ear finger is very beautiful.她的小拇指很漂亮
9.I would do it as soon as not.我宁愿做这件事
10.He is a high binder.他是个骗子
11.Jim is the black sheep of our class.吉姆是我们班上的害群之马
12.Has the cat got your tongue?你怎么不说话?
13.I like to collet nick-nacks.我喜欢收集小饰品
14.Mike is a lady killer.迈克是个师奶杀手
15.He has been bating a thousand.他一直表现的很好
16.He lived from hand to mouth.他过着勉强糊口的生活
17.Mum will go bananas.妈妈会气疯的
18.She has some mad money.她有一笔应急的钱
19.Kate is my china plate.凯特是我的好友
20.Tom is given the axe.汤姆被解雇了
21.You are a real egghead.你真是个书呆子
22.Her speech was a double Dutch.她的演说不易听懂
23.He’s full of beans.他精力充沛
24.My uncle is a ham actor.我叔叔是个拙劣的演员
25.Jim hasn‘t cut his eyeteeth yet.吉姆还不懂人情世故
26.I won’t buy your story.我不信你那套
27.He is in Abraham’ s bosom.他安息了
28.Sam is a bullyboy.山姆是个流氓
29.These youths are full of animal spirits.这些年轻人充满活力
30.He is called to the bar at 21.他21岁时取得律师资格认证
31.He is a ball of fire.他是个精力充沛的人
32.Nike is run off his legs.尼克破产了
33.Tom is a legal eagle.汤姆是个杰出的律师
34.They are Darby and Joan.他们是对恩爱的老夫妻
35.Her re-election is in the bag.她在改选中已稳操胜券
36.Tom is a busybody.汤姆是个爱多管闲事的人
37.I‘m his young woman.我是他的情人
38.The escaped prisoner is still at a large.那个逃犯仍逍遥法外
39.He’s such a klutz.他真是笨手笨脚
40.You should put the plan on the back burner.你应该先把这个计划放一放
41.Lily never changes her mind at pleasure. 莉莉从不随意改变主意
42.I carried a torch for Kate.我暗恋凯特
43.The professor is really on the ball.那位教授的确很在行
44.Luke avenged Harlow.卢克替哈洛报了仇
45.She has been canned.她被解雇了
46.He is a cheap skate.他是个小气鬼
47.I hate to see those fat cat.我讨厌看到那些富人
48.Accidents will happen.天意如此,在所难免
49.The story happend before the Flood.故事发生在远古时代
50.She stared at the beefcake.她盯着那个猛男看

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