

纽约时报:美国五角大楼匿名官员表示,利用监测全球情况的系统,初步查看了失联飞机MH370消失地点的数据,没有发现该区域有爆炸的证据。NTSB人员正赶往马来西亚. 貌似,还是美国的技术比较厉害啊.

“Preliminary surveillance data” examined by the Pentagon suggests the missing Malaysia Airlines jet did not explode over the South China Sea, according to The New York Times.

The newspaper cited a U.S. government official who spoke on the condition of anonymity as suggesting “a system that looks for flashes around the world” had not identified any sign of a blast. NBC News could not immediately confirm the report.

More than 36 hours after the last contact with Flight MH370, officials said Sunday they were widening the search to cover vast swathes of sea around Malaysia and off Vietnam.


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