
ING Direct TFSA Kick Start再次双倍利息

2013年1月1起,TFSA的额度增加到$5,500.00 *每年增加。 这意味着2014年1月1日,你将有$ 5,500的额度。 如果2013年的TFSA的额度都已经用完了,但是你的手里还是有一些现金,你又不知道怎么办的话,ING Direct的TFSA Kick Start或者可以帮忙哦.

TFSA Kick Start 帐户是如何工作:

打开2014年TFSA Kick Start 帐户可以帮你赚取额外的1.35的利息。 TFSA Kick Start并不是事实上的TFSA account,只是帮组你把钱预留起来,在2014年的时候转到TFSA。
当然这并不是最重要的,而是这一段时间你所获得的利息(一般是1.35%的年利率),ING Direct会在2014年1月1日,再送你相同金额的利息,也就是说,如果你在这段时间的利息所得是10元,2014年的1月1日,你会得到而外的10元的奖励,这样你的活期账户就达到了2.7%的利率,不是很高,当然也不是很差。
这里你或许担心,2014年1月1日,这个账户自动转为TSFA账户的时候,利息加本金可能会超过$5,500.00的限制,这个不用担心,ING Direct会把多余的部分转到高息账户,如果你没有相对应的高息账户,他们会帮你开一个。保证你不会因此而带来任何的麻烦。

提示:2014年1月1,您会收到红利等于您的TFSA踢开始帐户赚取10月1日和2013年12月31日之间的利息。 一般来说高息账户的利率是是1.35%,但是这期间不保证不会发生变化。 利息每日计算,按月支付。 限制每个用户可以开一个帐户。

下面是他们官方的介绍,如果你有兴趣开户,但是不知道怎么开户的话,可以看这篇文章:ING Direct免费支票/高息账户注册开户指南


Some important things to remember:

•You may only enroll for one 2014 TFSA Kick Start Account during the promotion.
The maximum deposit amount is $5,500.
•Before December 31 you will be able to withdraw from or deposit to your account at any time but note that this activity will affect the amount of bonus interest you could earn.
•You are always able to contribute or withdraw money from your Tax-Free Investment Savings Account, but Tax-Free Savings Account rules will apply. See our FAQ section for more details or check with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
•Your 2014 TFSA Kick Start Account must be open on December 31, 2013 in order to be paid bonus interest.
•Please note that last minute changes may still be made to taxation laws this year by the Federal and/or any Provincial Government. These changes may increase the tax payable on interest earned. ING DIRECT does not expect these changes to occur during the promotional period. In the event that changes do occur during the promotional period, no changes to the offer will be made.
•No changes to the offer will be made to accommodate individuals who are required to pay income tax in an amount greater than 50% or are obligated to remit taxes to another country for interest earned in Canada.
•If you earn more than $50 in interest on all your non-registered savings accounts and GIC’s with ING DIRECT, including the interest earned on the 2014 TFSA Kick Start Account, a T5 tax slip will be issued.
•Please note that interest rates, like the weather, are subject to change.
•The ING DIRECT Account Terms apply to the 2014 TFSA Kick Start Account.

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